
Tik Tok Post Ideas: Expanding Your Audience

Posted by Mario Diaz

Over 96% of small businesses use social media. Platforms like Tik Tok showcase small businesses in a casual and catchy way. The right type of Tik Tok post grows your audience and drives customers to your business.

Tik Tok challenges and trending posts set your small business apart from competitors. Keep reading for three Tik Tok post ideas to wow your audience and hook new customers!

1. Tease a New or Upcoming Product

A popular trending video showcases the company’s newest or upcoming product or service. New product launch posts increase audience engagement. Regardless of the type of business, these posts are helpful and engaging.

The best performing Tik Tok videos are 21-34 seconds long. A quick, fun teaser catches your audience’s eye. Short posts draw potential customers to your platform or homepage.

Once they are there, encourage them to sign up for your next product launch.

2. Show Your Daily Routine

This sounds mundane, but it is one of the most popular social media posts right now. People want to catch a glimpse of what goes into a business brand or business owner’s daily life. It’s a great opportunity to give behind-the-scenes peeks, too!

Think about what you do every day to make your business thrive. The routine can be business-related, but it helps to add personal touches.

Do you have to start your work day with a cup of joe? Do you meditate before you start the work day? 

Do you keep a journal to jot down new ideas? Is there a whiteboard in your office you use to brainstorm? 

Sharing your daily routine humanizes your business. It creates a relationship with the audience and potential customers. Many companies lose sight of relating to customers and lose business.

Have fun, keep it simple, and give it a personal touch.

3. Use Popular Sound Bites

The most popular social media posts utilize sound clips. The sound clips come from an array of media: popular songs, television, movies, and even video games.

Popular sound bites drive the most traffic to your page. Use what is trending now to increase visibility. Use a short audio clip to give information about your business or product.

Share posts relevant to the type of service you perform and unique facts about your business. Tik Tok users love useful tips. Find a way to share a helpful tip and relate it to your business.

When you do this, you become a valuable resource for people who see your content and they will come back for more!

Don’t Forget These Tik Tok Post Musts 

To make a Tik Tok post or video successful you must engage with your audience. Set aside a short amount of time after each post to respond to comments and answer questions.

Use relevant and popular hashtags when you post. Use hashtags related to your business and current trending topics on Tik Tok. This combination gives you the most success.

Make it Live

You now have several tips to help you create a successful Tik Tok post. Use Tik Tok to enhance your business and expand followers. Social media helps grow your client demographic and increase your business exposure.

Creating new and fresh content seems overwhelming at times. Let our team help you with viable social media tactics to skyrocket your business.

If you are ready to take your social media presence to the next level, contact us today to see how we can help you!