
I Have an Idea for an App!: 4 Ways to Know if It’s Any Good

Posted by Mario Diaz

In the digital era, there seems to be an app for everything. On the Google Play Store, there are nearly 2.5 million apps. There are another 1.8 million on the Apple App Store.

The sheer volume of apps should come as no surprise given how large the market is. In 2019, mobile apps generated over $460 billion in revenue.

For many people, the lightbulb goes on and they say to themselves, I have an idea for an app. Read on for four ways to know if you have a good idea for one. Explore other relevant topics such as pitching an app to potential investors.

1. There Is a Need

With millions of apps available for download, many ideas have already been launched. Before you start investing time and money in the app, do some opposition research.

Start by searching Google Play and the Apple App Store. Next, use a search engine to see what similar apps are out there if any.

Just because an app is available does not mean your dream is dead. You may still fill a need by offering the market a capability improvement. If you determine a need exists at the end of researching, you can be confident that you have a good idea.

2. Beta Testing

Before launching one, you want to perform some beta testing to make sure it works properly. This involves in-house verification testing to make sure it functions correctly.

Some in the tech industry refer to this as a Minimum Viable Product (MVP). The goal is to identify any bugs with your MVP and remediate them before product launch. Successfully proceeding past beta testing is a sign that you have developed a good product.

3. Customer Feedback

Now that your app functions properly, it is time to get some customer feedback. Start by delivering the MVP to a small group of testers. These testers should represent the prospective customer base you want to sell to.

Let them try it out and give you constructive feedback. Take their commentary seriously and implement solutions accordingly. If these prospective customers like it, you can be confident in your app.

4. Pitch to Investors

There is perhaps no better sign of a good idea than investor enthusiasm. Sometime during the development process, you are going to pitch the idea to investors.

The goal is to secure funding to complete software development. During an investor pitch, you can tell them the results of your opposition research. Also, inform investors about beta testing, customer feedback, and what you did to correct any deficiencies.

I Have An Idea for an App: A Recap

It possible for anyone to develop a software app. Just a few months ago, a 10-year old boy presented a new app at Apple’s Worldwide Developers Conference.

You can implement a great idea for a mobile app too. It is evident that it will be successful if there is a need and it receives positive feedback from customers.

If you are thinking I have an idea for an app and need help with development, contact us today for assistance.