
5 Tips for Boosting Brand Value

Posted by Mario Diaz

Are you looking to build awareness for your small business and a raving customer base?

Did you know that failing to connect with customers is one of the biggest reasons that small businesses fail?

Creating a strong brand will help your business build serious rapport with your customers.

Read on to learn five tips for boosting brand value that you can implement today!

1. Know Your Customer

When focusing on brand marketing, ask yourself and your team how well you really know your target customers?

For each product or service category, you should create an ideal customer avatar.

Learn the wants, needs, fears, goals, and desires of your audience. This will help you speak their language in your branding and marketing.

2. Be Consistent

With any kind of marketing, consistency in your brand design is key.

Make sure your website, logo, content, and social media are congruent with imagery and color scheme.

Along with a consistent look and feel, consistent action is equally important. You don’t want your website and social media to look like a ghost town.

Set up a posting schedule and a content calendar to stay on top of this strategy with your blog and social profiles. You can even use a tool like Buffer or Hootsuite to schedule posts in advance.

3. Awareness Equals Introduction

One of the key focuses of your brand marketing should be awareness building.

While it’s important to build campaigns that turn prospects into customers, it’s a fruitless tactic if you don’t have an audience that’s already aware of your business.

Instead, spend more of your effort on the front end of your marketing. Think of awareness campaigns as a way of introducing yourself to a totally new audience.

Short videos, contests or giveaways, and blog posts that solve your customers’ problems is a great start to introductory content.

4. Don’t Fear Advertising

Posting on social media, managing SEO, and blogging are long-term traffic strategies for building your brand.

If you’re looking for a serious push in traffic, plan to invest in paid traffic.

Whether you target specific keywords with Google AdWords or find your target customers with Facebook Advertising, both platforms have huge advantages to building brand value online.

5. Don’t Leave Your Customers in the Dark

Just as awareness campaigns should be viewed as an introduction, it’s important to continue the relationship building over time to grow your brand.

Accomplish this by having a follow-up plan with your leads and customers.

Email marketing campaigns like newsletters and retargeting ads with special deals and discounts are a great way to build customer relationships that keep them in the loop and ready to buy in the future.

Boost Your Brand Value!

If you’re looking to build your brand value, these five tips will get you started leaving a lasting mark on your potential customers!

Following these strategies will help you build up a loyal following of customers that stay with your brand.

Not sure how to put these tips into practice? Contact us and we’ll be happy to help answer your questions!